
From what I have read in the "Kitchen of Meaning" the writer tries to express to the readers that everything in life is a sign and has a meaning. Even the daily things and objects are signs by just asking why is a way of learning. Everything in life has a meaning whether it is an "image, gesture, behavior" or all, their is always a reason behind everything. It is true that 'readings' are very important in our lives and we tend to judge everything that comes across us. In this reading it is given a few examples of the things we use daily and we do not look into its meaning. Learning is around us not only in literature. It depends on the person to look deeper for a meaning of their surroundings. I agree with facts stated because a lot of people do rely on reading books to gain knowledge even though its a great way to do so, it is very important for a person to also not limit themselves to the text but rather expand their facts by just asking 'why?'. In this text is stated that for every text, documentary etc. written their is always more than one reason to back up the facts and/or  problems being faced even if not all information is written it becomes up to the person to search deeper for more details of their interest.